Faculty String Violin Viola Cello Bass Wind Flute Oboe Clarinet Brass Piano Staff Pianists Voice Conductor Composition String Faculty This string faculty roster is subject to change without notice. Yein Son Viola Session 1,2,3,4 Kirsten Yon Violin Session 4 Mann-Wen Lo Violin Session 4 Anyango Yarbo-Davenport Violin Session 4 Gloria Kim Cello Session 3 Arutyun Piloyan Violin Session 1,2,3,4 Igor Petrushevski Violin Session 1,2,3,4 Joanna Lee Violin Session 2 Joseph Skerik Viola Session 3 Junshi Yang Violin Session 1,2,3,4 Jing Zeng Violin Session 2 Gulia Gurevich Violin Session 1 to 4 Alexander Treger Violin Session 1 to 4 Shmuel Ashkenasi Violin Session 1 Mei Mei Wei Violin - Session 1 to 4 So Jin Kim Violin Session 2 Evgeny ZVONNIKOV Violin Session 4 Junah Chung Viola Session 4 Aristides Rivas Cello Session 4 Andrew Picken Viola Session 3 and 4 Aaron Boyd Violin Session 2 Hanbyul Jang Violin Session 1 Limor Toren-Immerman Violin Session 3 Stella Cho Cello Session 1 and 2 Christopher Costanza Cello Session 4 Martin Beaver Violin. Session 1 Sheila Browne Viola Session 1 Dong Yeol Hong Celllo Session 1,2,3 and 4 Thomas Loewenheim Cello Session 3 James Choi Violin - Session 2 and 3 Paul Coletti Viola, Session 1 Dimitry Olevsky Violin Session 1,2 and 3 Yunjung Lee Session 1, 2, 3 and 4 Che-Yen Chen Viola - Session 3 Benjamin Bartelt Violin/Viola Session 1,2,3 and 4 Sizhi Yan (Visiting Guest Artist) Violin - Session 3 Benjamin Lash Cello Session 1 Jason Lippmann Cello - Sessions 1, 2, 3 Gary Levinson Violin Sessions 1,2 Christina Adams Violin/Viola, Session 1,2 Ron Leonard Cello Sessions 1,2 Gina Coletti Viola - Session 1, 2 Junqi (Sophie) Tang Violin - Session 1, 2 Minor L. Wetzel Violin - Session 1 Yoshika Masuda Cello - Session 1 Joan Kwuon Violin - Session 2 Elise Goodman Violin - Session 1, 2 ,3 and 4 Bongshin Ko Cello - Sessions 1, 2, 3 Dennis Kim Violin - Session 1 Tina Chang Qu Violin - Session 1, 2 Sergiu Schwartz Violin - Session 1, 2 Sam Fischer Violin -Session 1, 2 Danwen Jiang Violin - Session 3 Linda Rose Violin - Session 2 Robert deMaine Cello - Sessions 1, 2, 3 Renee Skerik Viola - Session 2 Ken Aiso ( Co-String Coordinator ) Violin - Session 1, 2 ,3 and 4 Cho-Liang Lin Violin - Session 2 Linda Wang Violin - Session 1, 2 Marek Szpakiewicz Cello - Session 1, 2, 3, 4 Daniel Rothmuller Cello (Orchestra Excerpts) Ko Iwasaki Cello - Session 1, 2 Kyung Eun Choi Cello - Session 3 Alexander Kalman Violin - Session 1, 2, 3 Chan Ho Yun Violin - Artistic Director & CEO