Meet Our Faculty

String Faculty

This string faculty roster is subject to change without notice.
Yein Son
Viola Session 1,2,3,4
Kirsten Yon
Violin Session 4
Mann-Wen Lo
Violin Session 4
Anyango Yarbo-Davenport
Violin Session 4
Gloria Kim
Cello Session 3
Arutyun Piloyan
Violin Session 1,2,3,4
Igor Petrushevski
Violin Session 1,2,3,4
Joanna Lee
Violin Session 2
Joseph Skerik
Viola Session 3
Junshi Yang
Violin Session 1,2,3,4
Jing Zeng
Violin Session 2
Gulia Gurevich
Violin Session 1 to 4
Alexander Treger
Violin Session 1 to 4
Shmuel Ashkenasi
Violin Session 1
Mei Mei Wei
Violin - Session 1 to 4
So Jin Kim
Violin Session 2
Violin Session 4
Junah Chung
Viola Session 4
Aristides Rivas
Cello Session 4
Andrew Picken
Viola Session 3 and 4
Aaron Boyd
Violin Session 2
Hanbyul Jang
Violin Session 1
Limor Toren-Immerman
Violin Session 3
Stella Cho
Cello Session 1 and 2
Christopher Costanza
Cello Session 4
Martin Beaver
Violin. Session 1
Sheila Browne
Viola Session 1
Dong Yeol Hong
Celllo Session 1,2,3 and 4
Thomas Loewenheim
Cello Session 3
James Choi
Violin - Session 2 and 3
Paul Coletti
Viola, Session 1
Dimitry Olevsky
Violin Session 1,2 and 3
Yunjung Lee
Session 1, 2, 3 and 4
Che-Yen Chen
Viola - Session 3
Benjamin Bartelt
Violin/Viola Session 1,2,3 and 4
Sizhi Yan (Visiting Guest Artist)
Violin - Session 3
Benjamin Lash
Cello Session 1
Jason Lippmann
Cello - Sessions 1, 2, 3
Gary Levinson
Violin Sessions 1,2
Christina Adams
Violin/Viola, Session 1,2
Ron Leonard
Cello Sessions 1,2
Gina Coletti
Viola - Session 1, 2
Junqi (Sophie) Tang
Violin - Session 1, 2
Minor L. Wetzel
Violin - Session 1
Yoshika Masuda
Cello - Session 1
Joan Kwuon
Violin - Session 2
Elise Goodman
Violin - Session 1, 2 ,3 and 4
Bongshin Ko
Cello - Sessions 1, 2, 3
Dennis Kim
Violin - Session 1
Tina Chang Qu
Violin - Session 1, 2
Sergiu Schwartz
Violin - Session 1, 2
Sam Fischer
Violin -Session 1, 2
Danwen Jiang
Violin - Session 3
Linda Rose
Violin - Session 2
Robert deMaine
Cello - Sessions 1, 2, 3
Renee Skerik
Viola - Session 2
Ken Aiso ( Co-String Coordinator )
Violin - Session 1, 2 ,3 and 4
Cho-Liang Lin
Violin - Session 2
Linda Wang
Violin - Session 1, 2
Marek Szpakiewicz
Cello - Session 1, 2, 3, 4
Daniel Rothmuller
Cello (Orchestra Excerpts)
Ko Iwasaki
Cello - Session 1, 2
Kyung Eun Choi
Cello - Session 3
Alexander Kalman
Violin - Session 1, 2, 3
Chan Ho Yun
Violin - Artistic Director & CEO